WA-APCD Snapshot
About the APCD Snapshot & Its Data
This Snapshot of the Washington All-Payer Health Care Claims Database (WA-APCD) is a quick and easy way to explore how healthcare is being delivered and consumed across the state.
Using the Snapshot’s dashboards, you can quickly explore what data is available, how many people have insurance from year to year, which medical procedures are being performed, and which drugs are being prescribed most often – and what all of this costs for health plans and consumers. (For an explanation of terms used across the site, simply visit the tab that provides additional information regarding “Terms & Measures” used across the Snapshot.”)
This Snapshot is updated quarterly and uses data from the WA-APCD, which is the state’s most complete source of medical, pharmacy, and dental insurance data. For additional information about the data displayed in the APCD Snapshot, please see the details provided below the Snapshot.
How many insurers and years of data are included?
The WA-APCD, which is updated quarterly, contains claims from major healthcare payers, including:
• Commercial insurers (2014 – forward)
• Medicaid, including both state-run and managed care operated by commercial insurers (2014 – forward)
• Medicare (2015 – 2021)
• Medicare Advantage, operated by commercial insurers (2014 – forward)
• Workers’ compensation, which includes claims data but no member/enrollment data (2014 – forward)