How We Review & Process WA-APCD Data Requests

How We Review & Process WA-APCD Data Requests

Timeline that shows how data requests are processed.


  1. Perform an application acceptance review to confirm that you have provided all of the necessary information regarding your data request application for further review. You will either be asked for additional required information or be notified that your application has moved to the processing phase.
  2. Process requests as quickly as possible. The length of the processing period depends on the complexity of the request and the sensitivity of the data sought.
  3. Requests that include the release of Protected Health Information or Proprietary Financial Information require a 15-day public comment period and review by the Data Release Advisory Committee (DRAC). More information about this process is provided in the Will my data request require a committee review and public comment period?  section below. If no concerns are raised during committee review, the LO does a final administrative review to ensure all of the DUA materials are in order and meet final approvals. The DUA is then sent to HCA program administration for further review approvals and department signature.
  4. Notify you of the LO’s final decision regarding your data request by e-mail. A data requestor may request an administrative review of a data request denial decision by the LO. Information about that process and the process to appeal a final denial decision is located below in the Process to review a declined data request and Process to appeal final denial of data request  sections.
  5. If your data request is approved, you will be required to execute all relevant Data Release forms. Once finalized and signed by both you and required parties, the LO will initiate development work for your data product and receive payment from you.

What information about data requests are published publicly online?

The LO maintains a log of data requests that lists the following information about each request: name of requestor, data requested, purpose of the request, whether the request was approved or denied, if approved the date and data released, and if denied the date and reason for the denial. For requests that include Protected Health Information (PHI) or Proprietary Financial Information (PFI) the LO also posts the schedule for the receipt of public comment on the request (see next section for information about committee review and public comment period).

Will my data request require a committee review and public comment period?

Requests that include the release of PHI or PFI require a 15-day public comment period and review by the Data Release Advisory Committee (DRAC). The committee reviews each request for compliance with law, including establishing that the data sought is the minimum amount necessary to achieve a specific purpose and establishing that the requested data elements are adequate and appropriate. When the public comment period and DRAC review ends, we will contact you if there are additional questions and or concerns with your data request. All data requests and final decisions will be posted on Washington HealthCareCompare here. The LO will post the final decision for the request within seven days after the decision is made. The DRAC may also review other data requests, as needed. The DRAC meeting schedule and list of DRAC membership can be found on the WAHCC website.

Process to review a declined data request

A data requestor may request an administrative review of a data request denial decision by the LO. A request for an administrative review may be initiated by a written petition filed with the Washington State Health Care Authority and also provided to the LO within 30 calendar days after notice of the denial. The petition should include the following information: (a) data requestor's name, address, telephone number, email address and contact person; (b) Information about the subject of the review including remedy requested; (c) a detailed explanation of the issue in dispute and a rationale for a reconsideration of the denial decision.

The HCA director or director's designee will review the administrative review petition. The reviewing official may request additional information or a conference with the data requestor. A decision from the reviewing official will be provided in writing to the data requestor no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the petition. A denial of the petition will include the reasons for the denial. The petition and final decision will be posted on the OFM web site.

Process to appeal final denial of data request

A data requestor may appeal the denial of its administrative review conducted in accordance with WAC 182-70-290. Request for an appeal must be submitted in writing to HCA within 15 calendar days after receipt of written notification of denial of the administrative review, with a copy provided to the LO. Details about the steps in this process can be found under 182-70-300 Process to appeal of final denial of data request.