Mental Health Screening

Brief Emotional/Behavioral Health Assessment

About This Procedure:

A mental health screening done with a questionnaire is a way to evaluate a person's mental and emotional health.  The patient can answer the questions using a computer or the screening is given by a clinician or staff.  The answers are scored to see if the person may be at risk for a mental health problem. Depending upon the screening results, a follow-up visit can be scheduled to further evaluate the problem.

The screening is a low cost way to check if emotional or behavioral problems could be at the root of a health condition.  The cost of the screening may be included in the price of the doctor’s office visit. 

These are 2022 prices.  Use the link below to see if you can get a current, personalized cost estimate from your health insurer.

Typical price in Washington
No Result
Typical low and
high price in Washington
No Result
Included in this price

The price covers just this one service – often done in the office by a practitioner.  This price does not include any other care like a visit, tests or medications. 

How does the cost calculator work?