Mental Health Counseling: Group Visit

Group Psychotherapy

About This Procedure:

Group counseling is a type of mental health therapy with a small group of people at the session. Led by a clinician, often a psychologist or counselor, group members share their experiences and learn from one another as they talk through their concerns and needs. Often, this therapy treats a group of people with a similar health problem like anxiety, addiction, or a serious illness like cancer.

Usually done in an outpatient center or a doctor’s office, the price of group mental health therapy is much less than individual or family therapy.  Typically, a set of sessions are held on a weekly or other regular schedule.

These are 2022 prices.  Use the link below to see if you can get a current, personalized cost estimate from your health insurer.

Typical price in Washington
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high price in Washington
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Included in this price

The price covers just this one service – the counseling visit.  This price does not include any other care like tests or medications. 

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