Data Elements

What is the Data Element List and when does it need to be filled out as part of a WA-APCD data request?

The Data Element List provides detailed information about the product lines, dates, and data elements available in the WA-APCD data products.  To request WA-APCD data an applicant must complete a data application and for Analytic Enclave and Data File Extract products the Data Element List is a required form that must be completed and accompany a data request.

Download the Data Set Request Form (.xlsx)

Applicants requesting an Analytic Enclave or Data File Extract product must submit a completed Data Element List designating the product lines and dates to include in the requested data set. Data is available for service and paid dates starting from 01/01/2014. Applicants also use the Data Elements List to specify the data fields or tables to include in a data set. The default is set to the de-identified Safe Harbor format. Enclave applicants can choose from Safe Harbor, Limited Use (costs, but no provider information) and Limited Use (costs plus provider information). If a variation from the Safe Harbor format is requested, justification is required.